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Children’s Service of the Year, 2008

1 Oct 2011 12:37 PM - Midson Road Child Care Centre, Epping, NSW

The Judging Panel for the Australian Family Fisher-Price Child Care Awards selects winners based on their ability to demonstrate overall excellence in child care.   Specifically, nominees are judged against three key criteria based on the National Childcare Accreditation Council’s Quality Areas:

  • Outstanding ability in the area of Relationships with Children.  This includes devotion to children, care of children, compassion and communication with children.
  • Outstanding knowledge in Child Development.
  • Outstanding Interpersonal and Communication Skills in relation to parents and/or other staff.

The team at Midson Road impressed the judging panel in every aspect of these key criteria.  Importantly, the judges found that it was not just one or two outstanding staff members who impressed, but the staff as a whole.

Working together as a team is at the forefront of all they do, which is fundamental not only to high quality child care, but also in running a successful business.

Led by two highly motivated directors, both skilled child care workers themselves, the staff undertake regular and ongoing professional development training – vital in ensuring every staff member is offering quality care.  It was important to judges that over 90% of staff have at least a basic level of training (Certificate III in Children’s Services) with many trained at diploma or bachelor level.

Relationships between staff members, with all family members and with individual children are key ingredients in offering quality child care, and these are fostered on a daily basis at Midson Road.  All staff implement the many specific policies and practices and that are planned and managed by the directors who recognise that good relationships don’t “just happen” but that they are planned and managed carefully.

The programs offered to and undertaken with the children reflect the high level of knowledge of child development by the directors.  It was also apparent to the judges that each staff member also excelled in this area through the individual testimonies provided by many parents.

Midson Road Child Care is a highly deserving winner of this award and we wish them every success as quality child care providers.


Paul Clancy

Managing Director

Australian Family Magazine